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I l0ve u m0re than w0rds cAn say, y0u are d m0st w0ndrful thng that ever hapPened to me, u r d reas0n f0r my survival, if ever i l0st u,i wud cry a river just the th0ught of it make me quiver. being wth u,h0w i wsh,i c0uld st0p the time and live in that m0ment 4ever, a th0usand w0rds cAnt explain h0w i fEel insidE 4u, i h0pe u fEel the same way t0o. . . You must and u sh0uld take a bunch of cAre of urSelf becAuse im n0t there 2 take care of u,sPecially when u're sick,,i cAnt do anythn to make u fEel better,,all that i cAn do is just sit here and pRay that u'l b ok,c0z i cAnt help it but w0rried.

written by Catherine Estella