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It is very imp0rtant 4 me to expResS 2 u h0w much u really mean 2 me, i wish i c0uld do ths hn perz0n whle h0ldng ur hands and gazing into ur eyes, but since we are physcAlly seperated by miles of emptiness,ths xpResSi0n must c0me in d f0rm of letter such as ths, i kn0w ths is dfficult 4 u,as it is f0r me,to be seperated 4 so l0ng. LifE seEms 2 b ful of trials whch test our inNer strength and m0st imp0rtant,0ur dev0ti0n and l0ve 4 eaCh other. The l0nger that i am away fr0m u, the greater is my yearning 2 b wth u again, i am ur dEv0ted pRincesS and u r my prince charming, i cherish evry th0ught of u, i l0ve u,

written by Catherine Estella