Snack's 1967

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I want every0ne to kn0w that my heart bel0ngs 2u al0ne,, u make me feel like i can fly, i am inl0ve wth u th0ugh i am th0usands of miles away fr0m u, i am f0rever by ur side, u have imperfEcti0ns jst lyk evry0ne else but that is why i l0ve u, i truly c0uld n0t live my lifE wth0ut having u 2 talk to and 2 c0nfide in, u kn0w m0re about me that any0ne, u kn0w my th0ughts and u knw my heart in and out, u have a way that making my heart skip a beat, and i want u and d wh0le w0rld 2 kn0w that i l0ve u,and il b y0urs f0rever, thank u 4 sh0wing me what lknd of 0ve all w0man dserve.

written by Catherine Estella